
Your expert in scrap metal


Roll Off Services

No way to sort through or transport the material yourself?
Fill up one of our roll off bins with your material and call us
when you’re finished. We will transport it back to our
facility and provide you with quick and easy money.


Material Analysis

Unsure of what you have? By sending us a sample, we can use our top of the line equipment and let you know. 

Scheduling Services

Need a truck to get your material to us? No problem, we can get it.  Need a late night unload or a Saturday delivery? That works too! Our goal is to work around you.  Let us know your needs and we’ll find a way to make it work.

Consulting Services

We aim to provide companies the most effective and affordable way to manage, collect, and dispose of recyclable commodities generated in day-to-day business operations. Direkt Recovery will provide an evaluation of your company’s waste streams, to give you the strategies, equipment and execution needed to develop the most efficient and successful recycling program possible. 

Immediate Payout

In a bind for cash? We have all been there.  At Direkt Recovery, we can provide you with cash or check upon delivery of your material.

Brokerage Services

Building strong relationships with local and national recycling companies has allowed us access to the best market for all your recyclable commodities. Our brokerage division will find you solutions and the best pricing for all your materials we do not handle in house as well as access to combine loads for larger spreads to maximize your profit. 

If you want to maximize your return on material, it only makes sense to partner with the recycling company who has the most efficient strategies, best resources, and complete commitment to our customers.

contact us today!