
Located just off of Interstate 80 in Bloomsburg, PA ​we accept all types and volumes of scrap. 

We operate shear cranes, magnets, material handlers, wire strippers and balers to ensure your material is optimally processed and we can provide you the most payout possible. 

Our goal is to make scrapping as easy as possible.  We work hard to ensure our yard stays clean & dry all year long. We will get you in and out as quickly as possible so you can get on with your day. 

We’d Love to See You!

Monday-Friday 8:00AM-4:30PM 

Saturday 8:00AM- 12:00PM

Sundays: Closed

Commonly asked questions

Do You Take Refrigerators, Washers & Dryers?

Yes! We will pay for all your old appliances, just make sure they are empty please!

How Do I Scrap My Car?

In order to scrap cars, we just need a clear car title and a copy of your license.  We will then make sure the name on the title matches the license.  Once we make sure you own the car, we will take the title, weigh the car, and you will be on your way with cash! It’s as easy as that!

How Do You Know How Much Weight I Have?

For steel we will measure the weight of your vehicle when you come in.  Then once your unloaded, we will weigh your vehicle again.  The difference in these weights is the amount of material you had!

For nonferrous materials, we have a floor scale.  We will simply put your material on the scale, and weigh it.  

All of our scales are calibrated and certified to ensure accuracy.  


Can You Help Me Unload?

We are always available to help you unload if you need it!  We may just need to have you sign a waiver to release us from liability if equipment is needed. 

Why Do Scrap Metal Prices Change So Much?

Scrap metal is a commodity, like all commodities, metal prices change with supply and demand, and the cost of production.  We work on as tight of a margin as possible to give you the best pricing possible, therefore as the market changes, we often need to adjust our pricing.   

Do You Take Tires?

Unfortunately we are no longer accepting tires unless they come in on a vehicle that is being scrapped.

Let us show the better way to Scrap. 

Have a question we didn’t answer? Feel free to reach out!